Fall in Love


I was recently reminded of this article on falling in love… it is a great read whether you’re trying to fall in love or not.  I especially like the last part where you stare into each other’s eyes.  It’s true that we almost never stare into a person’s eyes unless we are falling in love (or as a newborn infant bonding with a trusted caregiver, still only briefly before averting their gaze to self-soothe). 

In graduate school, we endured a similar rite of passage—we had to sit knee to knee and stare into the eyes of a stranger for about 20 minutes.  We weren’t trying to fall in love, but it was really something. Pretty profound.  

No matter whose soul you are diving into, this article reminds us to look at each other, to truly know each other, and to remain intimately attached.  



The Accidental Narcissist


Signs. Literal ones.